4 Tips of Differences Between Vapes and Culture

E-cig, a well-known but strange product among Chinese people. It is first made in China, however, there are few people are willing to try or know more about it. On the contrary, it gets high popularity in most American countries. Besides, it is highlighted in foods and medicine areas. So, what makes it different in those countries?

1. The different countries’ governments hold attitudes to E-cig shown like this:

In Australia, it is illegal to sell E-cig with nicotine.
And in Czech, the use and advertisement of E-cig are beyond limits.
In Denmark, E-cig is legal, though, with Nicotine it is still under the strict control of the government.
In Canada, it is forbidden to vape in public areas, and there is still doubt whether it is legal to use E-cig. Overall, there is no market permission for the E-cig.
In Finland, it is illegal to buy or sell nicotine online, but it will be legal to buy it overseas.
In HK, no matter you buy or own E-cig, it is illegal to do that.
In New Zealand, according to the health department policy, nicotine can be sold only if it is in accordance with the Medicine Policy.

Now, in Britain, E-cig is out of limits by the government.
When we talk about E-cig, we must know that Britain is the first country to bring the E-cig to the market in Western countries. In 2013, the E-cig is prosperous Britain. In the same year, in Ireland, the vapors grow by 478% than last year.
It is investigated by Britain that vapors are different from the ages and social status. Among the interviewees, 91% smokers and 71% that anti-smoking heard about E-cig. In 2012, a report resulted from those countries like America, Britain, Canada, and Australia. People in America know E-cig counts 73 %, Britain, Canada, Australia counts 54%, 40%, 20% separately. The result tells us that E-cig gets more popularity in America.
Under such circumstance, what factors should be taken into account?

2. Different opinions towards E-cig

Contrary to Chinese people, in many western countries, people will consider more about healthy consumption. It is healthier to consume E-cig than the traditional cigarette because there are no passive smoking or tar in it. What’s more, the less nicotine in E-cig, which can help them to give up smoking. Even though there is a difference between E-cig and traditional one about the taste, but more people will choose E-cig to try various taste of e-juice.

As a result of traditional cigarette has made a great influence on us, many people can’t accept E-cig in such a short time. In these years, with the effort of advertising, E-cig has become acceptable by more smokers.

3. Different backgrounds

IQOS becomes popular in Japan as it is extremely similar to the traditional cigarette. However, according to the research, IQOS cannot replace the traditional cigarette.
From an interview done on the street, among the Japanese who are over 40-year-old, 80% of them are still eager to a traditional cigarette. So we can see E-cig is not so attractive in Japan.
And there is another research shows that in some sense E-cig gains popularity mainly owing to the support from their government. On the contrary, in Singapore, HK or other places, E-cig is absolutely forbidden.
E-cig differs from traditional ones, on the one hand, it is made up of two parts: e-juice and device. When referring to the tax policy on it, there is still no exact law about it, which is also a long-time problem in this term.

Nevertheless, for some European countries, there is still some policy to E-cig.
It is reported that e-juice is the target of tax.

Besides the nicotine smokers, some young group vapors should be taken into account. Those people vape merely hold that E-cig looks cool in some ways.

For example, there are many vapes devices that in good looks, does it belong to an expensive product? With the widespread of E-cig, the relevant laws will be put forward at the same time.
In some countries especially for most of the American and European countries, people support anti-smoking in public areas. Sometimes they even absolutely say “no” to a traditional cigarette. Under such a background, E-cig is brought into their life. This is totally new and charming for them, later E-cig gains permission on the market gradually.

Comparing to the traditional cigarette, there is no passive smoking, tar, or CO in the E-cig. So it does less damage to our body with a similar taste to traditional taste, though. This is why many western people really adore it. Besides, many cigarette companies begin to take a count in the E-cig market, which stirs the development of E-cig.

For China, the traditional paper cigarette has left an impressive influence on people. What’s more, there is great profit from traditional cigarette and government earn a lot from its taxes, too. With the fast development of E-cig, the annual income will decrease a lot for many people. Thus, the government shows little support for E-cig. However, these years, Chinese government-speak highly of health, so E-cig gets a chance for further development.

4.Different ways of social connections

When western people are getting together with their friends, a cup of water or coffee is necessary for them because in this way they can continue talking for a long time. Usually, they won’t use traditional cigarette, or sometimes their friends smoke alone. They won’t give away cigarette to make others feel good.
However, contrary to Chinese people, cigarette and wine are common ways of social connections. There are high demands for both of them. From the trend, we can predict that in the future, E-cig will take the place of the traditional one someday. Also, it will become a way of social connection to some degree.

Nevertheless, we can hold a positive attitude towards E-cig because of its fast development these years ensure a new future of it. With the implementation of the anti-smoking policy, more and more people consider their own health.

Overall, E-cig has a better developing environment in western countries, which makes it different has been discussed from many aspects above. Anyway, there is a tendency that E-cig will be recognized by more and more countries. It will become popular in China in the future.


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