Changes in the US e-cigarette market

Recently there is a very hot topic: On the evening of September 13, The US President Trump issued that “While I like the Vaping alternative to Cigarettes, we need to make sure this alternative is SAFE for ALL!

Let’s get counterfeits off the market, and keep young children from Vaping!”About the saying, many people have expressed their opinions on this. Someone said that the e-cigarette successfully helped him to quit smoking for 25 years, and makes his body getting healthier. Others express that they haven’t smoked cigarettes for 3 years, and this low nicotine product makes people feel better. But other people said that e-cigarettes can cause people’s lung problems. Different people have different ideas,We can’t be the most correct idea of what. But why does Trump suddenly make such an idea?

In a speech at the Oval Office on Wednesday, the US Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, said that about 8 million adults and 5 million children are using e-cigarettes.
Before Azar announced the news, President Trump was quoted to express his concerns about vaping among young people. Trump said that the popularity of e-cigarettes is a “very new, possibly very bad” problem.
Other news released by The British Newspaper “Evening standard” is that Because Trump’s wife found the little son addicted to the vape. The First Lady has been concerned about child health and drug addiction, and she has repeatedly expressed concern about children’s use of e-cigarettes.
We are not going to delve into the reasons. Instead of it, we should think about Trump’s sudden reversal of the e-cigarette industry, and perhaps another point of view that the US government is considering the issue of its normative development from a global perspective.

After Trump’s first voice on e-cigarettes, global public opinion has been polarized. One party should classify e-cigarettes and cigarettes into one category, and the other party should show that the e-cigarettes with standard ingredients are much less harmful to people than traditional tobacco.

They are good substitutes for tobacco. And they require standard development. Actually, e-cigarettes are a very popular alternative to traditional smoking products and their popularity has continued to increase over the past decade.

The Economist said that the public’s disagreement over e-cigarettes actually stems from the chaotic development of e-cigarettes. A core fact is that in the recent US reports, the e-cigarettes that caused controversy were not from products purchased by regular stores, but from inferior goods on the streets. The lung problems caused by e-cigarettes reported at present are mainly due to the fact that users add vitamin E to themselves in smoke oil, which is not related to e-cigarette itself. Studies have shown that inhalation of vitamin E can cause lung damage in the smoker. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hopes that the public will eliminate the blind panic of e-cigarettes. They said that e-cigarette users should not buy cigarette oil products containing cannabis extract, nor should they use inferior products that are sold on the street.

In fact, when you buy an unlicensed liquid from an unregulated channel, you don’t know what you are going to face. This is why the government does not encourage people to drink fake wines from informal channels, because these fake wines can be fatal. Therefore, like alcohol, regulators should also clearly distinguish between illegal e-cigarettes and those that are legal but not certified. Standardizing e-cigarettes is more sensible than trying to eliminate it.

The Trump administration plans to remove all flavors of e-cigarettes from store shelves while fighting hot products.

Officials claim that sweet e-cigarettes attract millions of teenagers and children to use nicotine and addiction. At the time of the ban, health industry stakeholders are investigating a small number of deaths and fog-related lung diseases. The US Food and Drug Administration is currently developing a guidance document that will ban all electronic cigarettes except tobacco-flavored cigarettes.

The new plan will be put into use in the next few weeks and will remove all flavors of e-cigarettes from the shelves in the next 30 days. Once completed, the government will follow up to ensure that manufacturers who want to continue producing flavored e-cigarettes receive FDA approval. To obtain this approval, manufacturers need to prove that the benefits of their product consumption outweigh the risks associated with it, such as adolescents may become addicted. The move is aimed at finalizing a plan to implement a policy that will make non-tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes (such as menthol and mint) on the US market out of stock.

Electronic cigarettes are electronic devices containing liquids that become vapor and are inhaled into the lungs of a user through smoking. Many users use liquids ranging from nicotine to fragrances in other chemicals. The US government guarantees that tobacco-flavored electronic cigarettes will remain on the shelves for adult consumption. Selling e-cigarettes or other tobacco products to anyone under the age of 18 is a violation of federal law. In fact, the FDA has had the right to ban flavored e-cigarettes since 2016, but it has not been fully implemented if it is not clearly stated that vaping is the cause of the disease. It also takes time to observe the positive effects of vaping, such as reducing traditional smoking levels. Among them, Vaping company Juul put forward a rebuttal argument on the grounds that their products help adult smokers reduce their dependence on traditional cigarettes and cigarettes, but there is little evidence to support this claim.

In addition to the United States, all e-cigarette products in the UK are subject to strict quality and safety supervision by pharmaceutical and health care regulators, and regulators encourage e-cigarette users to report any adverse reactions. The National Health Service said: “So far, there is no evidence that smoking e-cigarettes can harm people around you. The available evidence shows that the risk of any hazard of e-cigarettes is extremely low, even if compared with second-hand smoke. ”

So, what is the comparison between e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes? The most authoritative report should come from the World Health Organization. In July of this year, WHO released the 2019 Global Tobacco Epidemic Report, which reads: Compared with traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes produce less harm. If fixed smokers can completely replace cigarettes with well-regulated e-cigarettes, The toxic effects may be small, but not harmless.

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