Dynamic report on e-cigarette policy

The e-cigarette flavor ban caused by the US “e-cigarette lung disease” has a huge impact on the e-cigarette market. At present, not only the markets in the United States, but also South America, Australia, and Southeast Asia have also had a negative impact. The crisis in the electronic cigarette industry has continued to spread to the world. Returning to the fuse of the e-cigarette lung disease outbreak, let’s analyze the current situation.

Despite repeated claims by the media that the current outbreak of lung disease is related to “smoking” or “e-cigarettes”, none of the cases has been linked to legitimate e-cigarette products. The CDC statement has clearly stated that “electronic cigarette products containing THC have played a role in the damage cases.” THC is a cannabis substance that has a significant psychological or spiritual impact. At the same time, most cases have occurred in states and counties where legal access to cannabis is not available. Related industry analysts have inferred that consumers are likely to purchase these illegally added products through black market channels.

Authorities are rashly using the crisis to spread fear to the public, and anti-smoking advocates are also using the chaos to push the related e-cigarette ban to ground. But in fact, e-cigarettes have helped thousands of Americans quit the deadly habit of smoking over the past decade. Many studies have shown that the use of e-cigarettes is an effective way for smokers to quit, and it is even more effective than traditional nicotine replacement therapy.

Public opinion also tends to believe that the popular trend of electronic cigarettes is inducing young people to participate in the use. Analysts point out that many people overlook the fact that only 0.2% of current e-cigarette users have not previously smoked. Moreover, smoking rates for all age groups have fallen to their lowest level on record, and flavored e-cigarettes are playing an important role in this process. The potential risks e-cigarettes pose to adolescents are indeed cause for concern. However, for adult smokers, e-cigarettes will play a positive role in saving lives. People should adopt a cautious and objective attitude and balance the risks and benefits it may bring.

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On November 22, US President Trump convened the first e-cigarette seminar in the White House. The health issues of youth and employment issues in the industry are the focus. Representatives of tobacco and e-cigarette companies, representatives of the e-cigarette industry association, and representatives of public health leaders all attended the meeting to debate the idea of ​​banning flavored e-cigarette products.

Greg Conley, chairman and founder of the American Electronic Cigarette Association, said that since the news of the death of electronic cigarettes in September, the CDC has acknowledged that the main cause of lung injury is black market cannabis oil, not commercial nicotine products… Conley further explained to the President that even if the issue of flavored e-cigarettes is resolved today if it is limited to the sale of tobacco and menthol-flavored e-cigarettes, thousands of small businesses and physical stores will be closed and thousands of jobs The post will disappear. For the solution to the current problem, Conley proposes to raise the age limit for buying e-cigarettes to 21 and limit the volume sales of e-cigarettes.

For third parties of e-cigarettes, Tony Aboud, executive director of the American Steam Technology Association VTA, prepared an economist to predict the possible impact of the flavored e-cigarette ban. The final conclusion was that 151,000 jobs would be cut, and Close more than 13,000 small businesses. The report shows that if the ban is passed, most 13,480 independent e-cigarette stores in the United States will have to close. The report states that nearly 92% of products in independent e-cigarette stores are flavorings other than tobacco, adding that the ban could also cost economic activities $ 22.4 billion. VTA has thousands of members and represents e-cigarette manufacturers, retailers, and distributors. In addition to an analysis of the economic impact of the ban, Aboud also proposed a solution. His association developed and proposed an action plan called “21 and Done.” In addition to raising the age limit for buying e-cigarette products to 21, the Steam Technology Association’s proposed plan includes restricting marketing practices and imposing fines on retailers selling to minors. Representatives of the e-cigarette industry have proposed alternatives to completely ban e-cigarettes, such as restricting advertising, stopping online sales, requiring e-cigarettes to be kept behind the counter or restricting their sales to adult specialty stores.

Aside from agreeing to raise the age to 21 at the meeting, public health advocates have actually remained silent on other restrictions. When Aboud mentioned raising the age limit for tobacco and nicotine steam products from 18 to 21, Trump agreed. U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Hazard also asked in the meeting room how many e-cigarette store operations would be affected by the ban.

This seems to suggest that the White House may be looking for a way to split regulatory requirements for different parts of the market, which is positive.

ADVKEN will continue to pay attention to the e-cigarette policy and update the content to Vapors.


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