How is it so hard to find love?

Hey all hope you all enjoying valentines day with your love. Even I’m doing the same, but my love is my vape tank!

Finding love is tough when it comes to vaping. Precisely, every vaper has their preferences in choosing their best vape mate(tank). A vape tank is like a better half who can naturally play the tune according to one’s liking.

Vintage vapers would say, “better be tough than stylish.” To put it simply, the most important quality of a lovable vape device is not the looks. At the same time, dimensions play a key role when it comes to convenience and style. For instance, Owl tank from advken tanks possesses a really small yet tough exterior which is absolutely great looking.

That’s just one aspect of choosing the love to vape. There is more to it, finding the all-day vape device may be easier for experienced vapers. Contrarily, beginners might not even know what they are looking for.

After hearing from a lot of experienced vapers from a vaping community, I have collated a few important parameters that can lead you to your love(Vape tank). Also, I will reveal a secret in the end.

Valentine's Day

Dimensions & Color

First and foremost thing that attracts vapers would be the shape and color. Obviously, the shape of the tank can only be cylindrical. However, mouthpiece, airflow ring, and the bottom outer portions can add style to the vape.

Equally, a perfect exterior design can offer a great grip and convenience to hold and use while on the move. No matter if you vape for nicotine or just for fun, a stylish vape device always inspires you to go for more.


Most of the vintage vapers would prefer to have a vape device with medium capacity for everyday use. Plus, their vape gear would include a small tank and a really large tank. Precisely, one should choose the capacity based on the usage type.

An all-day vape can do well with 2ml capacity if and only when one can refill frequently during the workday. On the other hand, a compact tank with 3/4ml capacity would do for a few satisfying vape sessions through the day with just one or two re-fillings depending on the usage pattern.

To put it simply, it is advisable to rather look for vaping tanks with moderate capacity than huge or very little capacity.

Coil heads

Coil heads are the ones that play a vital role when it comes to satisfaction. However, if you love to enjoy mind-blowing flavors then you can choose coil heads with high resistance. In the same way, if your preference is huge clouds and intense flavors, then you should choose sub-ohm coil heads.

It is tough to choose the best one among the hundreds of choices. At the same time, results can be amazing in terms of performance and satisfaction.

Ease of use (loading coil heads, cleaning, and portability)

Let’s assume you have found your love(Vape tank). But that’s not it, you should look at the level of convenience in terms of maintenance and usage. Try and see if the diameter of the deck and base is sufficiently big enough.

Even if the overall size of the tank is smaller, you should ensure that it is designed with convenient parts that are easy to dis-assemble and put-together. In point of fact, maintenance plays a key role in the sustained performance in the long run.

Cost of purchase, usage & maintenance

What if you drop an expensive vaping device on the first day of usage and end up breaking it? Would you spend the same amount of money again and again to buy the same tank? Moreover, it is believed that only expensive tanks possess great looks and performance.

However, not all expensive vape tools meant for everyday usage. At the same time, a great vape tank with attractive looks and dependable performance may bear a relatively reasonable price tag on it. All you need to do is to look for the right brand and variant.

Further, the cost of maintenance should be as low as possible, so that you can save those extra bucks on buying your favorite accessories, Notably, people spend a lot of money on buying coil heads alone. Likewise, one should ensure the extensive quality of coil heads to avoid spending a lot of maintenance and usage.


No matter how frequently you vape, the best vape tank can absorb the heavy-duty everyday usage. Plus, those devices tend to sustain the drops and bumps during your travel. Having said that, such a vaping device can last longer than you expect.

That way, you don’t have to spend on new vape tanks very often. Similarly, most vape tanks in the market come with a glass tank, but not all can sustain drops and bumps. Either the glass should be of high-quality, or the kit should contain additional glass tanks.

What’s the secret?

Well, I would quote it as a piece of useful information than a secret. Recently, an increased number of vape brands got into the market with hundreds of models. However, not all deserve to be the best when it comes to price point and performance.

On top, it became tough to compare and test every vaping device out there apparently due to the number of choices. Frankly, I have gone through the toughest phase of finding the truly worthy vape tank. For the benefit of all the vapers, I will introduce the top vape tank in my list.

To be honest, I have spoken about the owl tank from advken tanks at the beginning of the article itself. That’s the kind of impact it created while I compared it with several of the familiar brands and top-rated vape tanks. I just found it truly worthy, and each vaper out there deserves such a tank with style and performance which comes in a low price range.

Owl tank from advken tanks earned the top score when compared with the best-rated vape tanks. The score was derived based on the looks, capacity, coil heads, cost, ease of use, and overall performance. At the same time, owl tank from advken tanks proved to be the best in terms of build quality given to the price range.

Hope that was helpful. Happy vaping!!!


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