Positive effects of e-cigarettes during the epidemic

According to foreign news reports, the British Vaping industry is urging the government to open e-cigarette stores nationwide rather than forcibly closing them as part of a strengthened coronavirus containment strategy.

Dr. Riccardo Polosa, a world-renowned scientist and researcher who reduces atomization and tobacco harm, points out that the closure of e-cigarette stores is likely to cause e-cigarette users to re-smoker to maintain their nicotine demand due to the stress caused by the corona virus. From a public health perspective, this can be dangerous and may increase the risk of tobacco smoke exposure to bystanders, including families and children, during a crisis. It may also place further burdens on already overloaded health systems.

On the other hand, Britain’s largest e-cigarette chain has vowed to stay open during the coronavirus crisis to prevent former smokers from returning to smoke and urged the government not to shut down e-cigarette retailers and impose restrictions.

The VPZ e-cigarette chain has 155 stores in the UK. It said that the UK must follow the example of Italy and Spain to ensure that e-cigarette stores are added to the list of necessary stores that are allowed to continue operations under a complete blockade.

The Edinburgh-based organization says that if former smokers eventually relapse because they can’t buy smoker products, they could be at serious risk of Covid-19 complications.

The company is taking additional steps to help protect 450 employees from coronavirus by increasing cleaning in stores, removing all detectors and sampling equipment for customers, and introducing customer restrictions in stores.

Scientists and health experts have warned that smoking increases the risk of serious diseases caused by coronavirus, as smokers have weakened their lung defenses and may also have lung disease.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that smokers are more likely to progress to the severe stage of coronavirus than nonsmokers.

There are many people around the world who are unable to hoard e-cigarette products in large quantities. We don’t want them to have no choice but to start smoking again. If the e-cigarette industry can continue to operate in some way, form or form, it may allow e-cigarette people to buy related products, instead of reducing the pressure on IS, it may play a greater role.

Advken will continue to maintain the research and development of electronic cigarette products, support the demand of overseas Vapors, and work with everyone to fight the coronavirus crisis!

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