Q&As on vaping and health

Recently, e-cigarettes have attracted unprecedented attention. 72 international experts jointly called on WHO to focus on vaping health. There is no authoritative conclusion on the safety performance and health status of electronic cigarettes. Can e-cigarette help stop smoking? Is the so-called e-cigarette hazard 7 times that of ordinary cigarettes? Does it have a safe production standard? What is the international regulatory policy? What is the test result of the international health department? I believe that this is a question that many people care about. This article will give you a comprehensive interpretation.

1. Can e-cigarette help stop smoking?

According to the Guardian, the British Public Health Agency (PHE) has begun to sell steam products in hospitals. Professor John Newton, Director of Health Promotion at PHE, said: “In the UK, e-cigarettes have become the most popular way to quit smoking, with 3 million advocates.”

Some hospitals in the UK have developed policies to persuade smokers to switch to steam products, and Colchester General Hospital and Pswitch Hospital are good examples. The hospital has removed the designated smoking area and changed it to an outdoor vaping space. Even anti-smoking sports groups like ASH have reached a consensus in the UK on “vaping to reduce harm.”

In August 2018, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a guide to the development of nicotine replacement therapy products, which would mean that nicotine replacement therapy products, including e-cigarettes, may be formally applied to quitting people, a move that promises Electronic cigarettes are the correct name for smoking cessation aids. For more information, see “Good news, e-cigarettes are included in the FDA Nicotine Replacement Therapy Product Development Guide.”

2. The harm of vaping is 7 times that of ordinary cigarettes?

The British Ministry of Health says: E-cigarettes are 95% healthier than traditional cigarettes

According to a recent report released by the UK’s Ministry of Health-sponsored PHE (British Public Health), it has been concluded that the risk of new e-cigarettes is reduced by up to 95% compared to traditional cigarettes. Marlboro once printed this sentence on a new package of cigarettes and signed PHE (British Public Health) later.

Ann McNeill, a professor at King’s College London, said: “Electronic cigarettes have the potential to change the public health industry, especially to reduce the harm of smokers themselves and second-hand smoke.”

According to BT, Rosanna O’Connor, director of the Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Department of the Public Health Department of England, said: “Electronic smoking is not the same as smoking. Secondhand smoke is harmful to health, but there is no evidence that e-cigarette steam is equally harmful.”

On July 13, 2016, according to the American Tobacco News, British public health and 12 other British public health agencies signed a statement agreeing that the harm of e-cigarettes is significantly smaller than that of cigarettes. The institutions that signed the statement were: Public Health England, Smoking and Health Action, Public Health, British Lung Foundation, British Cancer Research Centre, School of Public Health, Fresh North East, Healthier Futures, Public Health Directors Association Action, Royal College of Physicians, UK Royal Society of Public Health, British Tobacco and Alcohol Research Center, UK Health Forum.

3. The electronic cigarette is harmful to the human body?

Many international organizations have detected no toxicity hazards

An e-cigarette safety test-toxicology report by the German Dartsch Scientific certification body contains no mutagenicity of e-liquid vapor containing fruit, tobacco, menthol and 18 mg of nicotine, which is not acute to human lung cells. Chronic (long-term) toxicity.

Clinical research confirmed that E-cigarette is harmless to the heart.

Greek medical researchers have found that e-cigarettes do not have a negative impact on consumers’ heart function, which is the result of their long-term sample survey and research conducted by e-cigarette consumers.

At the seminar held by the European Society of Cardiology in May 2013, a medical doctor named KONSTANTINOS FARSALINOS from the ONASSIS Cardiac Surgery Center confirmed this view. A researcher at the University of Minnesota, named RUSSELL LUEPKER, also believes that, as far as current research is concerned, smoke-free e-cigarettes are much less harmful than ordinary tobacco products.

The United States completes the study of e-cigarettes on human health risks

For consumers, is e-cigarette products a safe product? Is it a product that reduces health risks? In response to these problems, some researchers in the United States conducted in-depth research and discussion.

Under the leadership of researchers from the School of Public Health at North Carolina State University, more than 100 researchers conducted research on the health risks of e-cigarettes and published their research results in a book called Public Science in the United States. Library (PLOS) in the medical journal.

Greek Medical Doctor: Contains 6 times less formaldehyde than electronic cigarettes

In December 2014, the online medical discussion on the carcinogens in e-cigarettes was 10 times higher than in traditional cigarettes. The Greek medical doctor antino discovered that although we need to admit that it still exists in high-power e-cigarette sprays. A certain amount of metal carbonyl (with the use of a suitable atomizer), the information on this media hype is very clear. Even in the worst Japanese products, e-cigarette sprays are six times less soluble than traditional cigarette smoke. Where does the “10 times higher” statement come from?

Dr. Konstantino is a cardiologist and serves as a research scientist at the Heart Surgery Center in Onnath, Athens, Greece, and the Medical Imaging Research Center at the University Hospital of Luwensburg, Belgium. His main research area is in new forms of cardiovascular imaging. He won a research education scholarship for the Greek Heart Association in this field. Since 2010, he has  Since 2011, Dr. as a project leader has been actively involved in the research of electronic cigarettes in clinical and laboratory. His work includes the first study of the effects of e-smog cytotoxins on artificial cells and the immediate effects of e-cigarettes on cardiac function and coronary circulation.

The main component of the electronic cigarette smoke oil animal experiment proves to be harmless to the human body!

The main components in e-cigarette oil are glycerin and propylene glycol. In order to test the impact on human health, according to ASPET magazine, scientists placed chimpanzees and mice in high-concentration steam for 12 to 18 months. Animal experiments were conducted and an equivalent number of reference comparison samples were prepared. The results of this experiment, and in fact no human case of exposure to glycerol and propylene glycol vapors, demonstrate that long-term exposure to saturated vapors of glycerol and propylene glycol is harmless.

Human airway research shows that e-cigarette steam is similar to air and has no toxic effects!

A foreign human airway study showed that the e-cigarette steam test results were similar to air. The study was published in a new study in toxicology in vitro (DOI: 10.1016 / j.tiv.2015.05.018), and the e-cigarette vapors produced by two different types of e-cigarettes have no toxic effects on human respiratory tissues.

The researchers first tested biological systems with known liquid stimuli. The experimental results show that cigarette smoke reduces cell viability to 12% after 6 hours (almost complete cell death). In contrast, the e-cigarette aerosol test group showed no significant decrease in cell viability. Despite six consecutive hours of exposure, cell viability resembles the exposure of cells to air-only activity. Even with such aggressive exposure, electronic cigarette vapors did not reduce cell viability.

Above all, no evidence supports that the second-hand vapor is harmful to human, but we have to be thoughtful when there are people around you. Vaping is not proofed to cause popcorn lung, either. Vaping is much healthier than smoking since it doesn’t burn any hazardous substance, but there is a little risk if you buy fake products or bad quality e-liquids.

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