Things like THC or vaping don’t create too much buzz in the media unless it becomes news. Social media and advertising channels spread an extensive number of ads for illicit ...
E-cigarettes: Does Vape really a safe way for smokers to stop smoking or also a gateway to let kids hooked on a habit known as a disease risk to cancer? Public health experts and ...
Vaping is a habit for some, a hobby for others, and its a style statement for the Millenials. On the contrary, some people use vaping to achieve health benefits. The vaping ...
2019 is a special year for the vape industry. There have been many new great products released which make more choices for customers and the new technology makes the whole ...
Composition and structure of electronic smoke Although there are styles or brands of electronic cigarettes, the general electronic cigarettes are mainly composed of three ...
Not only beginners but even vintage vapers also keep searching for new flavors and vaping materials that provide a great vaping session. In contrary to the common myth, vaping is ...
For smokers with more than ten years of smoke, How to quit smoking has become a big problem. Smokers not only expose themselves to the high risks of multiple health problems but ...
Smoking is highly injurious to health, and it is also addictive. The addictive chemicals, tobacco, and nicotine in the cigarette impact the smoker's health adversely. Likewise, ...
Electronic liquids also are known as vape Juice. It is an electronic atomized liquid match electronic cigarettes. The main components of e juice are food or pharmaceutical grade ...
Recently, e-cigarettes have attracted unprecedented attention. 72 international experts jointly called on WHO to focus on vaping health. There is no authoritative conclusion on ...
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